Ariobarzanes of Phrygia

For the satrap of Persis and opponent of Alexander the Great, see Ariobarzanes (satrap of Persis).

Ariobarzanes (in Greek Ἀριoβαρζάνης), (Old Persian: Ariyabrdhna, Ariyaubrdhna) Ariobarzan or spelled as Ario Barzan or Aryo Barzan, perhaps signifying "exalting the Aryans" [1] (death: crucified in c 362 BCE), was Satrap of Phrygia, leader of independence revolt, and the first known of the line of rulers of the Greek town of Cius from which were eventually to stem the kings of Pontus in the 3rd century BC, a Persian satrap of Phrygia and military commander. Ariobarzanes was apparently a cadet member of the Achaimenid dynasty, specifically its branch which had settled to hold Dascylium of Hellespont in the 470s BCE. Cius is located near Dascylium, and Cius seemingly was a share of family holdings for the branch of Ariobarzanes.

Ariobarzanes' one predecessor was a (kinsman) named Mithradates (possibly the Mithradates, Satrap of Cappadocia). The archaeologist Walther Judeich claims that Ariobarzanes was that Mithradates' son, but Brian C McGing refutes that specific filiation. Seemingly, no classical source itself calls them son and father, the filiation being a later reconstruction on basis of successorship.

Pharnabazus, Satrap of Phrygia (fl. 413 BC - 373 BC), son of Pharnaces of Phrygia, is indicated to have shared his rule and territories with his brothers in the late 5th century BCE when Pharnabazos had recently succeeded to the position. Mithradates, Satrap of Cappadocia, might have been one of such brothers. Ariobarzanes of Cius might have also been one of those brothers.

The classical source Appianus informs that Ariobarzanes was of the male line of the family of the Great King Dareios.

It is highly probable he is the same who around 407 BCE, was the Persian envoy to the Greek city-states and cultivated the friendship of Athens and Sparta. Ariobarzanes conducted the Athenian ambassadors, in 405 BC, to his sea-town of Cius in Mysia, after they had been detained three years by order of Cyrus the Younger[2]

Ariobarzanes was mentioned as under-satrap in Anatolia in late 5th century BCE. He then apparently succeeded his presumedly kinsman (possibly elder brother) Pharnabazus (fl. 413 BC - 373 BC) as satrap of Phrygia and Lydia, assigned by Pharnabazos himself when he departed to the Persian court to marry Apama, daughter of the Persian king. Thusly Ariobarzanes became the satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia, in what is now the northwest of Turkey. Pharnabazos lived well to the 370s BCE, having gotten higher positions in the Persian monarchy than merely the Phrygian satraphsip.

Ariobarzanes assisted Antalcidas in 388 BC.[3] In 368 BCE, Ariobarzanes sent an embassy to Greece, still presumably on behalf of his overlord the Persian king.

He appears to have held some high office in the Persian court yet in 368 BCE, as we find him, apparently on behalf of the king, sending an embassy to Greece in 368.[4] Ariobarzanes, who is called by Diodorus[5] satrap of Phrygia, and by Nepos[6] satrap of Lydia, Ionia, and Phrygia, revolted from Artaxerxes II in 362. Demosthenes speaks of Ariobarzanes and his three sons having been lately made Athenian citizens.[7] He mentions him again[8] in the following year and says, that the Athenians had sent Timotheus to his assistance; but that when the Athenian general saw that Ariobarzanes was in open revolt against the king, he refused to assist him.

When Pharnabazos' son, Artabazos II of Phrygia, wanted to regain his father's satrapy from their kinsman, Ariobarzanes refused. Ultimately, in about 366 BC, Ariobarzanes joined an unsuccessful revolt of the satraps of western Anatolia against the Achamenian King Artaxerxes II (Revolt of the Satraps). Several other satraps sided with Ariobarzanes, including Mausolus of Caria (briefly), Orontes I of Armenia, Autophradates of Lydia and Datames of Cappadocia. The rebel satraps also received support from the pharaoh of Egypt, Teos as well as from some of the Greek city states, with the Spartan king Agesilaus II coming to his assistance with a mercenary force. As signal of sympathy in the effort, Athens made Ariobarzanes and three of his sons as citizens of Athens. Ariobarzanes was betrayed by his son Mithridates to his overlord, the Persian king.[9] who had Ariobarzanes crucified.



  1. ^ Shahbazi, A. Sh.. "ARIOBARZANES". Encyclopedia Iranica. Retrieved 2008-03-05. 
  2. ^ Xenophon, Hellenica, i. 4
  3. ^ Ibid., v. 1
  4. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named xen_7.1.27; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  5. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named diod_15.90; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  6. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named nepos_2; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  7. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named dem1; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  8. ^ Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named dem2; see Help:Cite errors/Cite error references no text
  9. ^ Xenophon, Cyropaedia, viii. 8; Aristotle, Politics, v. 10

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).